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Website Content Creation Package

Sale price$700.00


Blogging/Content Creation Basic Package 

Hire our SEO copywriter to take blogging and content creation off your plate. Choose from any of the three packages to increase online traffic and conversion opportunities. You can purchase these packages one month at a time as you go or on an ongoing basis.

You need to keep your content fresh for the search engines if you want your website to rank on Google.

Short and long-form copy can both position on Google. How long a piece of content should depend ultimately on the topic.

Basic Content Creation Package

  • 500-750 words

  • 2 monthly optimized blogs + 1 round of revisions

  • SEO optimization elements (alt text and metadescription)

  • 1 image per blog


Blogging/Content Creation Basic Package 

Hire our SEO copywriter to take blogging and content creation off your plate. Choose from any of the three packages to increase online traffic and conversion opportunities. You can purchase these packages one month at a time as you go or on an ongoing basis.

You need to keep your content fresh for the search engines if you want your website to rank on Google.

Short and long-form copy can both position on Google. How long a piece of content should depend ultimately on the topic.

Basic Content Creation Package

  • 500-750 words

  • 2 monthly optimized blogs + 1 round of revisions

  • SEO optimization elements (alt text and metadescription)

  • 1 image per blog

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