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The Mystery of the Dead Sea Scrolls Revealed-Illustrated

Sale price$20.00


Format: Hardcover

Condition: Very Good with Dustjacket protected with brodart.

Former library book

Publisher:First Published by Penguin in 1966

This is the Gramercy Edition 1981

Author:  John Allegro


From the description: 

Since 1947, when ancient manuscirpts, which came to be known as the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in the Judean wilderness, scholars have been debating their origins and dates, attempting to place them in their proper historical context and searching other cave finds which might give them further enlightenment on pre-Christian Judaism. The documents sent waves of excitement throughout the scholarly religious world as they were found to be manuscripts from the book of Isaiah, older by approximately a thousand years than any previously known Hebrew copy of the Old testament. In addition, they were proved to have been part of the library of a Jewish monastic community in existence before and during the time of Christ. These and other scroll fragments unearthed later provided a heretofore undreamed of insignt in to Jewish sectarianism of this period 

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