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The Home: Its Furnishings and Equipment

Sale price$15.00


Format: Hardcover

Condition: Very Good

Former Library book with some color fading on the cover

Interior is great

Publisher: Webster-McGraw Hill-1970

Author:  Morton-Geuther-Guthrie


 We love this book if not for the content than for the illustrations. It is a textbook for interior design but it includes discussions of different types of houses and furniture choi ces. If you were alive during the seventies or are a nostalgia buff the book is like a walk into the past. When we watch period pieces in film or television we are the first to catch the anachronisms, all the things that weren't in existence during the time being depicted. I hate when they use expressions that we didn't use or have no idea what life was like. We are reluctant to part with this book but we know that someone will enjoy it as much as we have. 


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