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More Ghosts of Georgetown- Paperback

Sale price$12.00


If you visit Pawleys Island, you may be greeted by a pair of friendly terriers frolicking at the edge of the ocean. If you find yourself at Wedgefield Plantation on a moonlit night, on the other hand, you may come face to face with a pistol-packing soldier amid the sound of hoofbeats and gunfire. You should feel neither welcomed nor threatened, however, for things are not always as they seem in Georgetown County, South Carolina. The Pawleys Island terriers and the British soldier of Wedgefield are merely a sampling of the ghosts that reside in one of America's most haunted places. Readers of the 19 stories in More Ghosts of Georgetown will hear moans from the sunken Union flagship Harvest Moon and the thump of a peg leg on an empty floor of the Rice Museum. They will see the lights of a long-lost schooner off Murrells Inlet and witness the agony of a Georgetown County hag as she wriggles out of her salt-soaked skin. From the Hanging Tree at Lamberttown to the mysterious light of Lucas Bay, they will visit a place supernatural like no other.

Elizabeth Huntsinger is a South Carolina native whose mother’s family came to the state in the 1600s and whose father immigrated there from Scotland. Her first home in Georgetown County was a 1948-vintage 40-foot mahogany Chris Craft boat anchored in the Waccamaw River. Now a landlubber, she lives in a neighborhood built on the site of one of the area’s many rice plantations. In addition to being a full-time storyteller/literacy instructor for Georgetown County preschoolers, she leads Ghosts of Georgetown Lantern Tours and is an avid Civil War re-enactor.

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