If you are in the middle of conflict, troubles, mourning or any other unhappiness, please read this book no matter what your religious persuasion. The only way to describe this book is inspirational and soothing.
The author describes in great detail how God's love always prevails - no matter what the circumstance and how He sends down His messengers to inspire, guide, and assist in times of crisis. There are stories of inexplicable recoveries from devastating illnesses, near miss car accidents, unexplainable images that guide us through the dark; both literally and emotionally.
These are all first person accounts and Ms. Anderson is so credible that one has to believe they are true. It is well written, well edited and a must-read! It you need a dose of inspiration, this is the book for you!
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Guardian Angels: True Stories of Answered Prayers Hardcover –
- This is a beautiful gift book
Author: Joan Wester Anderson
- These remarkable stories of answered prayers remind us that we are never alone In this inspiring collection, the work of angels takes many forms, including miracles, healings, and heavenly visitations. These events all convey a single, urgent, and loving message: God answers prayer.
Review: Taken from Amazon